Parenting and RelationshipsHow Social Media Influences Modern Relationships like Commitment, and Love

How Social Media Influences Modern Relationships like Commitment, and Love

Disagreement is your right. These are the last 4-5 years of marriages or domestic life. After this, men will start living alone. Instagram and TikTok are driving the final nail into the coffin of family life. About 15-20% of society will completely control women, meaning women will be under corporate ownership.

The women in cities are already gone, and the women in villages are lining up. Just like small businesses were consumed by big businesses, family life is being eaten by sugar daddy relationships. 80% of men are employed or earning just enough to get by each month, while on the other hand, 15-20% have an abundance of wealth. When a woman marries an average man, the new generation doesn’t like it.

The girls of the new generation want iPhones, foreign tours, fancy hotels, and good food. No girl likes regular meals anymore; now they want to eat various and expensive dishes from around the world, which specific men have easy access to thanks to TikTok and Instagram. For them, giving a girl 1-1.5 million for two weeks is no big deal, along with foreign tours and gifts. Two weeks with one person in America, two weeks with another in France.

The married woman barely earns anything after putting everything on the line for a month, while a single girl makes 3-4 million per month, taking tours to two or three countries, shopping, receiving gifts, and eating in expensive hotels. This is what a person desires in life. A girl’s average youth lasts 30 years; if she earns at least 5 million a month, that makes 60 million a year, with no expenses—just income. Over 30 years, that’s 1.8 billion.

With that, she can do much more than what she would accomplish by having four kids with a man, living with zero income for a lifetime. The girls who used to make three meals a day are gone. Now, if a girl is considered really good, she might make some sweets, while men stand in lines to get bread from the oven. Pakistani food is disappearing, and ordering food online has become a trend. The next phase is inevitable. In old age, people need services, and 1 billion can easily provide those services. So, there will be divorces, and both men and women will remain single. Modern women will indulge in luxury, while modern men will fight a survival battle. If this capitalist system remains, poor and middle-class men will vanish, and women will fight to be owned by wealthy men.

I got a response to this statement.

Disagreement is your right, and it is indeed a fact that the current social and economic changes are having a profound impact on family life. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have significantly altered traditional relationship structures. Many women and men now find social status and financial stability more attractive, which has put pressure on conventional marriages and family systems. A large number of women are now gravitating towards individuals who are financially well-off and can provide the luxuries that a middle-class man typically cannot.

The priorities of the younger generation have shifted considerably, with a preference for iPhones, foreign trips, luxury hotels, and high-end dining experiences. For an average-earning man, it has become increasingly difficult to sustain this lifestyle, and as a result, married life often becomes strained. Consequently, divorce rates are rising, and many men and women are opting for singlehood. This shift is challenging the traditional family structure, and it is likely that this trend will continue to grow in the future.

In a capitalist system where wealthy men have an abundance of resources, middle-class and poor men struggle for survival. Women are increasingly prioritizing financial benefits and social standing in their relationships, choosing to engage in connections that provide these luxuries. As a result, traditional family life is being reshaped, and this is a trend that societies will need to reflect upon.

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