Movie ReviewsA Heartfelt Journey of Ordinary Lives and Subtle Emotions in "Three of...

A Heartfelt Journey of Ordinary Lives and Subtle Emotions in “Three of Us” (2023)

Three of Us (or for ease, we’ll call this film ‘Hum Teen Log’ in Urdu) isn’t for you if you like action-packed films. If you enjoy chaotic comedies where there’s no chance to catch your breath, this movie isn’t for you either.

This is a very simple story. Its characters are ordinary people. There’s no six-pack hero, no slim-waisted heroine. None of the characters are out to change the world. It’s the everyday story of ordinary people like you and me. But it’s a very powerful story, and if you start watching, it will grip you in no time.

It’s about an ordinary woman who quits her job. Her husband sells insurance policies and is the manager of a small town bank branch. This ordinary woman is suffering from a disease due to which she will gradually lose her memory.

Keep in mind that acting in such stories is very difficult. Expressing intense emotions is easy—you can slam a door in anger, hug someone in love, push in hatred, cry your heart out in despair. But to express emotions with subtlety… this is where an actor is truly tested. And this film is just like that. So, all three actors had to give their best, and they have wonderfully embodied their characters.

The production quality of the film is also excellent. The frames are beautiful, the editing is superb, and the storytelling is equally impressive. The layers of the story are peeled back in a very delicate and nuanced manner.

Regarding films and stories, I’ll say one thing: everyone has their own taste. I personally liked this film very much. Whether you will like it or not, I cannot say. But if you do watch it, I would love to hear your thoughts.

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