PoetryThe Night’s Opera

The Night’s Opera

Dark entities and images work an opera,
Secrets, denials play a magical symphony,
Past haunting the night; seductive aroma,
Ghost of time dissolves in mystery….

The dark entities don’t have any face,
They follow you up in the deadliest nights,
They don’t follow any time’s race
Clutch you where conscience bites,

They never live they never die,
They never break nor bleed,
Inculcate our veins, in sins’ cry,
In night’s grave they creep,

They are just but mythical outlines,
Somewhere shadows, somewhere memories,
The moments of failure, the moments of decline,
Somewhere remorse, somewhere queries,

Past haunting the night; seductive aroma,
Dark entities and images work an opera,
The curtain falls, they all dissolve,
To revive in next night’s saga

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