PoetryQuestions of the Soul

Questions of the Soul

Heart clutched again, no mercy shown,
What is that binds the pain and dark?
What turns me to stone when I look back?
What scriptures hold the engraved scars?

Why the lava inside, bangs against,
The pain sprinkled on my withered veins?
When chills brace my trembling hands,
What secrets do these lines enchain?

When I whisper sweet anthem of love,
To shatter this eerie silence again;
Why dark screams venomous fables,
And sink into my eyes again.

Scattered my thoughts, shattered my dreams,
Swirling in storm of pricks and pain;
When soul yearns to fly high;
A flame burns my wings again.

Thorns piercing my frozen feet again,
I wander, on a path astray
Where destiny erases what desires write,
To leave me unanswered again.

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