A Soul Adrift Between Reality and Dream

I see a shadow shift into light, a fleeting transformation that captures my soul in its delicate moment. This is a time immersed in loneliness, wrapped in agony, where everything feels distant, as if the world has slipped into oblivion. Is this a moment of meditation, or am I just lost in the tempest within me? Voices surround me, but they are distant, faint echoes. I am here, yet not truly present, adrift in unfathomable surroundings, caught between who I am and what I am becoming.

I feel the clutching grasp of this world, yet I also long to fly free, to escape its grasp. Is this my kingdom of nothingness, or simply a vague, fleeting dream? I am lost in a virtual world, where splendor and beauty dance before my eyes, yet they feel hollow, insubstantial. There are scriptures, unwritten, that only my eyes can read—words, perhaps, that build great monuments of dreams, but they seem empty.

My soul, it flees from this world, retreating into its own hidden corner. It conceals itself, seeking refuge in an elfin world of fragile glass, a place that promises peace but offers only a false calm. This world—so delicate, so unreal—holds no true answers, only the illusion of tranquility.


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