PoetryThe Shadow Anonymous

The Shadow Anonymous

A shadow plays with the melody in my heart,
My serenity it hums, a song I hear,
Tune I know not, a spell it casts,
My desires invoke in the ethereal prayers.

A shadow plays with the image in my heart,
My agony it touches, a love I feel,
Shades I know not, just a spell it casts,
My soul bleeds in the darkest fear.

A shadow plays with the prayer in my heart,
My sins it erodes, guilt I feel,
Peace I know not, just a spell it casts,
Repentance flows in my silent tears.

A shadow plays with the fire in my heart,
My past it burns, a flame I feel,
Ashes I see not, just a spell it casts,
Damnation lingers, tortures adhere. A shadow plays with the memory in my heart,
My heart it peals, for a haunt endeared.
Glee I yearn not, just a spell it casts,
My desires die in a “grave” austere

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