The Problems of the Poor and the Rich: A Deep Dive into Society’s Challenges

DATE: 19 Feb 2023

1:55 am

Many people, myself included, believe that the poor are poor because they choose to be. Poverty is often seen as a label, and we all know the definition of it. However, the philosophy of applying the label of poverty to the rich is flawed. The poor face deeply rooted issues, many of which are entangled with their culture and mindset.

This book will focus on the problems of the poor in the emerging era, rather than the classical view. It will also be followed by another title: “The Problems of the Rich.” Just like the poor, the rich in society also face numerous deeply rooted problems that arise from their wealth. These books will explore the issues of both groups, addressing them from both a literal and philosophical perspective. This dual approach will offer a well-rounded view, highlighting both sides of the issue.

By following the steps outlined in these books, and applying the universal laws of the world, nature, and human existence, these problems can be addressed and potentially resolved—not only for the present generation but for future generations as well.


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