

Locked in an Ivory Edifice

My soul longs to flee, to wander in the wilderness, seeking an eternal, unpaved path of meditation unknown. I yearn to touch altitudes where...

Dancing on Heaven

Dancing in heaven amidst angels and apparitions, we engrave a scripture written in the motion of the stars. The leaves and dew, praying silently,...

Worshipping Your Eyes is Food for my Love

I play the notes in your eyes, each glance a melody, and in the serenity of your silence, I find the theme of my...

The Tone of Life is to Love Humans

I play the notes in your eyes, each one striking a chord of serenity. In the silence of your gaze, I find the theme...

Celebration of Rain

As the myrtle leaves its color on my hands, I call upon the rain to refresh these fields with its bliss. O clouds, let...

Prison of Repentance

Locked behind the iron bars, I stand alone, consumed by grief. The eerie silence of this place is unbearable, and the chains that bind...