

Celebration of Rain

As the myrtle leaves its color on my hands, I call upon the rain to refresh these fields with its bliss. O clouds, let...

Prison of Repentance

Locked behind the iron bars, I stand alone, consumed by grief. The eerie silence of this place is unbearable, and the chains that bind...

I Know You Know and Understand Me

I know you know me, you understand me in ways no one else can. I’m your daddy’s girl, always at your side, worshipping the...

We… The People, Thirsty of Love

This place is full of people like me—people who are, in a way, a burden to the earth. We pass unnoticed, ignored, even loathed...

The Disguised Beauty

The alarm disturbs my sleep, its shrill beep pulling me from the depths of a dream. A glance at the screen of my N-73...

The Country’s Grief: A Lament for a Nation Lost

A ball kicked back and forth between bureaucrats, like a shuttlecock tossed between the rackets of indifferent authorities, this land of mine has become...