

Lost in Illusion: A Soul Adrift Between Reality and Dream

Caught between reality and illusion, my soul seeks peace in a fragile world that promises solace but offers none.

Uncertainty’s Grasp: Life, Death, and the Fleeting Moments In-Between

Caught in uncertainty, I witness life's fleeting moments—love, loss, and the inevitable passage of time.

Trapped in Black Magic: A Soul Lost to the Reaper’s Will

I find myself trapped in the dark web of your black magic. You, the reaper, have made my soul your home, and I am...

The Wind of Sorrow: Stories of Grief in the Silent Night

The wind dances over the dead leaves, its movement a soft caress over their brittle surfaces. The trees stand drenched in the tears of...

The Moon’s Lament

I am the moon, the very epitome of incompleteness. Grievous and aloof, I wear melancholy as my crown, my light dimmed by the weight...

Tears of the Tempest

Raindrops slide down the window panes, each one tracing a path of its own, like the quiet tears of the sky. The wind blathers...