

Always love people from a safe distance, protect yourself

It is crucial for our well-being to love certain people from a distance. This means that we love them without harboring any ill intentions....

The war of narratives and lowest insights based on lack of awareness

Currently, I am silently contemplating the greater good. How the world has been designed... The war has erupted - a war of narrative and...

Tall Claims of Shallow Love, where do we stand in our confessions

People make tall claims in times of peace, but when adversity strikes, their love undergoes trials, and they often fail to uphold their values...

Paradox of Emotions, Love, Relations

Sometimes, we find ourselves loving people more than they deserve or beyond our emotional capacity. It often transpires that we're enamored with a particular...

Love, Hate, Likeness, Dislikeness

Love, dislike, hate - these are all powerful emotions that can shape our relationships and interactions with others. While love is often considered the...

Return of the Tickets! Lahore Museum

That day in Lahore was a whirlwind of history, culture, and delicious food. and meeting that lasted centuries. It started bright and early with...