The Reign of Fear

False evidence appears real, and I find myself imprisoned in the cruel clutches of harsh realities. Clad in torment and anguish, the world stretches before me, but it is veiled in darkness. The sun hides behind the shadowy sky, and the dove in its nest breaks down in despair. A crowd, lost on a shipwreck, is tossed and entangled in the tempestuous sea. The woman, hidden behind a rock amid war, tries to escape the violence surrounding her. An innocent child, once free in the playground, is stolen away, and a girl of five is sold for a handful of coins. The trees tremble under the violent thunderclap, their roots shaking in the storm.

A drug-addicted boy, left to endure his hell, undergoes a cruel form of eugenics, while a teenage girl, humiliated in broad daylight, bears the weight of shame in a world that judges her. Fear reigns everywhere. It lurks in the corners, gnawing at the edges of our existence.

The frail candle flame flickers as it melts away in the darkness; the mountain quakes and erupts with molten fury. Once bright in the universe, the stars now struggle against the encroaching dawn. The starved, tantalized by a few morsels of food, desperately cling to the hope of survival. Those who lie on deathbeds, deep in debt and despair, wait for a release they cannot find. People living in slums, abandoned by hope, shiver in the cold and the thunderstorms, their cries drowned out by the power of fear.

All of them, all of us, are suppressed by the necromancy of fear—an invisible force that haunts and enslaves, waiting in the silence to claim us all.


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