Dark Spell Intoxicates: A Gothic Symphony of Shadows

Intoxicated, I am captivated by the grip of black magic. Silence becomes a ventriloquist, while apparitions dictate the pace of my thoughts. The fragrance of life fades as darkness saturates my mind, thoughts sinking deep, memories subjugating my every sense.

Sacred secrets, promises, and chapters of a forgotten story unveil themselves under the pall of night. The beams of the stars curtail as shadows sink, and in this void, love’s symphony resonates. Oblivious, I lie, sedated by your touch.

Emotions become the dice, and agony is the fate they roll. A moral repentance quietly persuades me. Unheard fables are narrated by the eyes, as the stars shine through the darkness, their light enunciating the spell that binds me.

The clock ticks relentlessly, its pendulum oscillating through the passing moments. Colors become my words, each stroke of them painting a gothic portrait of despair and longing. I bury in recollections I seek to eradicate, but they surface, laden with predictions, apprehensions, and black magic that relate to the core of my soul.


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