Writing Daily for Better Self Love and Conditioning

Writing Daily for Better Self Love and Conditioning can have enormous impact on your mind and thoughts. By making it a habit, you can transform your life.

Kill Anxiety and Grow Love Through Writing

We are an Anxious Generation. But how to deal it without being Anxious? Through Writing I would Suggest. But do it logically work or merely a vague idea?

10 Best Books to Read in 2025 to Create Content

If you are looking for the top 10 best books to learn the new trends of writing in 2025. This is for you!

Judgment of Almighty Based on Given Circumstances

We all will be judged based on our performance...

Prose Writing

Stories of Grief in the Silent Night

The wind dances over the dead leaves, its movement a soft caress over their brittle surfaces. The trees stand drenched in the tears of heaven, as if the very sky weeps for the lost memories, the forgotten joys, and...

A Soul Lost to the Reaper’s Will

I find myself trapped in the dark web of your black...

Life, Death, and the Fleeting Moments In-Between

False promises swirl in the air, speaking of fragile moments, the...

A Soul Adrift Between Reality and Dream

I see a shadow shift into light, a fleeting transformation that...

Book Reading Guide

Why Read Fewer Books That Have Been Around?

Read Fewer Books That Have Been Around for Days, Read More Books That Have Been Around for Decades

Hamza Ali Abbasi Book – My Discovery of God – Review

I like Hamza Ali Abbasi as a Person, as an Actor, as a Human and for his Academic Alma Mater. We share the same college, GCU Lahore. But this blog post is not about his personal life review that I used to do in my Human Review. I will...

Sexual Ethics and Islam – Book Review

One of the most beautiful aspects of Islam as a guiding system for social life is its belief system—particularly the belief in the Oneness...

Children of Ash and Elm – Book Summary

Children of Ash and Elm by Neil Price is an absolutely compelling and thorough exploration of the Viking Age, which spanned from 750 to...

15 Most Critical Lessons from How To Live An Extraordinary Life

Anthony Pompliano’s letters to his children were written to share valuable lessons on building resilience, cultivating meaningful relationships, living with integrity, and achieving personal...

Takashi Amano – The Natural Aquarium Legend

I started my Aquarium hobby when I was a child. We used to go to swim in a nearby canal. In one monsoon season,...

Dr Israr Ahmed – Life and His Impact Me and Others

I first encountered Dr. Israr Ahmed’s work in a worn-out copy of one of his lectures. It was as if the pages had absorbed...

Dr. Zakir Naik – Debates and Inter-Religion Research – Life Story

I first came across Dr. Zakir Naik through one of his fiery debates on television. I wasn’t really looking for someone to change my...

Joy Stick – Why Men do Things, they Shouldn’t

It came out of anger when I saw my colleague rubbing his genitals in front of female colleagues. Like a flash, I recalled how...

Micro Cheating, Mega Loyalty

Names are just fictional characters with real stories. It was a chilly Saturday morning of last November, when Alvina first noticed something was off. She...